
Vanessa graduated from the Royal College of Music in 2010 where she was awarded a Postgraduate Diploma with distinction. During this time she studied with Chris Cowie, John Anderson and Gareth Hulse. Through the Erasmus Exchange scheme she also spent three months studying at the Paris Conservatoire with David Walter.

Her orchestral work includes extra work with Welsh National Opera Orchestra, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Symphony Orchestra of India and the London Musical Arts Orchestra. Vanessa was recently shortlisted for the Auckland Philharmonia Principal Oboe Position. Other orchestral playing includes the Aldeburgh World Orchestra, Britten-Pears Orchestra and National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain.

Vanessa is a co-founder of Music Off Canvas; a collaborative wind trio who received the Musician’s Benevolent Fund emerging excellence award in 2012. Through this she has worked with poets, sculptors, mime artists, creative writers and dancers at venues such as the V&A Museum, Salisbury Arts Centre, Elgar Room; Royal Albert Hall and as part of Southbank Festival of Britain. Through the Live Music Now scheme, the group provide workshops for children with special needs and at care homes.


Royal College of Music
London, UK

Quickfire Questions

What is your earliest musical memory?
I remember my first piano lesson where I was asked if I knew which hand my right hand was. When I got this wrong I promptly stormed out and did not start the piano for another year.

If you were going to be sent to a desert island, which three items would you take with you?
Guitar, a chicken, encyclopedia of the world.

What’s on your playlist right now?
Lots of folk music including Mumford and Sons and a great band I saw live called Sam Lee.