
My musical journey started when I chose the flute at the age of six. I loved making music straight away and was inseparable from the flute. I also played the piano and the cello but the flute remained my true passion. As a child, I was lucky enough to have experienced lots of ballet and opera, which have since become my chief musical inspirations.

As a teenager, I attended Chetham’s School of Music where I boarded alongside other passionate young musicians. After leaving school, I went to study in Cologne, Germany, where I was immersed in a new culture and city with a rich musical heritage. I transferred to the Royal Academy of Music in London to complete my studies.

Graduate life has been exciting and varied, from freelance playing work and teaching flute, to working at a flute shop and ushering at an opera house. Some of my proudest achievements have been taking part in the LPO’s Foyle Future Firsts scheme as well as freelance work with orchestras such as Opera North, the CHROMA Ensemble, London Philharmonic Orchestra and the London Film Music Orchestra.

Over the past year, I have invested a lot of my time into finding a sustainable work-life balance, especially around stressful audition times. I have enjoyed learning about myself and better balancing different parts of my life. I have found solidarity and positivity in sharing this with others, and I hope to keep discovering over the coming years.

Outside of music, I love to eat and discover different cultures through food. A good meal gives me as much pleasure as a really great concert! I love to sew and be creative with textiles, a hobby that I’ve pursued as long as music. I also love travelling, and hope that any future career in music will help me to see the world too.