
Having come from a musical family, with my parents being professional instrumentalists, starting the violin very early on seemed like the natural thing to do. My mother taught me for the first few years before I then was taken to London to have weekly lessons with a variety of teachers.

During my GCSE’s (at a non-music school) I had a strong realisation that music was what I wanted to do, and enrolled at Chetham’s School of Music for sixth form. I had a great time there, meeting fellow colleagues with whom I still play and perform. I then continued my studies at the Royal Academy of Music for 5 years under the tutelage of Philippe Honoré.

My time at the Academy was productive, informative, and enjoyable as I got to develop my real love for orchestral, ensemble and chamber music performing. This led to the creation of my piano trio, to which we continue to perform recitals around the UK and have recently released our debut album. Outside of chamber music, I had the opportunity to perform with lots of conservatoire-based orchestras around London, as well as side by side with the Julliard Symphony Orchestra at the 2019 Proms with the Royal Academy Symphony Orchestra.

Alongside my studies, I have been involved with music education for years. I currently work as an ensemble tutor at the Pro Corda Young String Experience. It’s a weekly Saturday school that specialises in the development of communication skills by implementing chamber music and aural skills into musical education from an early stage. I enjoy my work with YSE enormously as you see the impact that positive, informative teaching has on children, as well as introducing exciting repertoire early on in their musical journeys.

Since graduating from my masters at the Academy, I have been involved with freelance work, including an appointment as leader of the Worthing Philharmonic Orchestra, solo recitals, and concerto performances. In June 2022, my piano trio had the wonderful opportunity to record our debut album with the Nimbus Foundation, exploring and celebrating British music from different periods of time.

I am looking forward to my time with Southbank Sinfonia and hope to expand and develop my orchestral knowledge and skills further.


Royal Academy of Music
London, UK


Odora Trio


What do you do with your time when you’re not playing music?

I enjoy running and generally keeping fit, whether that be by walking/hiking or at the gym. I also love to read, with my favourite authors being Agatha Christie, Daphne Du Maurier, and Thomas Hardy.

If you weren’t a musician, what would you be?

I have always been fascinated by objects of value and age, having spent a lot of my time in museums and galleries, with there being something very calming about the atmosphere in these spaces. I would say anything along the lines of an art historian or museum curator would be my alternative career choice.