
Born into a musical family, music and the arts has always been an integral part of my life. My mother used to accompany violinists at my hometown’s music school – her rehearsals were my very first musical experiences. I immediately fell in love with the magical sound of the instrument. It was literally love at first sight.

At the age of six, I began playing the violin and quite soon I realised that I needed to turn this passion into my profession. I got accepted at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, first into the preparatory class and later into bachelor’s studies.

Studying in Vienna, the ‘City of Music’, has been fundamental to my development both as a musician and as a person. Eventually, however, I felt that it was time for a new chapter in my life.

Encouraged to broaden my artistic approach, I moved to London where I enrolled in a master’s degree at the Royal College of Music. Living in London, a bustling hub with numerous cultural events, gave me a different perspective to tackle music from. Not only was I particularly inspired by concerts of top orchestras in the UK, but also meeting people from different backgrounds and performing in various orchestras and chamber music groups was a very satisfying experience for me.

Throughout my studies, I was a member of the Symphony Orchestra of India, concertmaster of the Moonlight Symphony Orchestra in London, Viennese Jeunesse Orchestra and Pacific Youth Orchestra of Vienna. Furthermore, I attended the International Orchestra Institute Attergau – a project of the Vienna Philharmonic, and was invited to the Norwegian Youth Chamber Music Festival in Stavanger.

Playing the violin has been the most demanding but also the most satisfying challenge that I have encountered so far. It helps me to express my feelings, much better than I could do with words.

On a more personal note, in my spare time I highly enjoy going to art exhibitions and exploring new things, such as cooking extraordinary recipes or going sightseeing in different cities. Besides this, I am a passionate jogger… it’s almost a daily thing!


Royal College of Music
London, UK

University of Music and Performing Arts
Vienna, Austria


If you could reinvent the way we experience classical music, what would you change?
I was always wondering how an orchestra would sound if the seating formation of the players is mirrored or mixed up. In contrast to this, would people still enjoy dancing in a club when they hear classical music?

What is your favourite piece of music and why do you love it?
In general, I mostly enjoy chamber music pieces, in all kind of formation and musical genres. At the moment it is Clara Schumann’s Piano Trio in G minor. It has touching melodies in all four movements, influenced by Bach and Brahms, and all the instruments have fairly equal roles throughout the whole piece.