
I first started learning the cello aged eight and still remember sitting in my local music shop having no idea what I was doing trying to draw a bow across the strings and having the best time of my life! As a young cellist I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time playing with others which laid the foundations for a love of chamber music which I’ve had ever since.

My first real taste of orchestral playing came when I joined the Barbican Young Orchestra as principal cellist aged 14 which was conducted by Sir Colin Davis. This experience was hugely inspirational and was the first time I thought seriously about a future as a musician, leading onto me studying at the Royal Academy of Music Junior Department with Robert Max.

Throughout my last few years at school I was torn between pursuing a career as a cellist or studying medicine. I ultimately went to medical school and completed my degree at the University of Edinburgh, subsequently working as a junior doctor in Glasgow. Throughout this time I was still having regular cello lessons and playing in every ensemble I could find, but during the pandemic everything came to a halt and I realised how much I missed making music with others. After completing my first two years as a doctor I decided to change direction and was accepted for a Masters degree at the Royal Northern College of Music.

I’ve had an amazing two years studying with Nicholas Trygstad and Hannah Roberts immersing myself in the life of a cellist and am incredibly excited to be joining Southbank Sinfonia for the next stage of my musical journey! When I’m not playing the cello I’m usually found rock climbing in the Peak District or somewhere up a hill and in the future I’d love to climb some of the 4000m peaks in the Alps.