
Nathan is an American cellist from Bellevue, Washington. He is a member of the Parnassus Project, an organisation dedicated to bringing classical music to non-traditional audiences in the community, such as cafés, bars, libraries and bookstores.

He is a graduate of the Butler School of Music at the University of Texas at Austin, where he received a master’s degree studying with cellist Bion Tsang. During his time at the university, he worked as a teacher in the school’s String Project program, where he taught cello ensemble, music theory, and orchestra classes in addition to private lessons.

Prior to his degree at the University of Texas at Austin, Nathan went to the University of Washington, where he received a Bachelor of Music in 2010 studying with cellist Toby Saks. In his first year at the university, he won its concerto competition and played with the orchestra.


University of Texas at Austin
Austin, USA

University of Washington
Seattle, USA

Quickfire Questions

What or who inspired you to become a professional musician?
Nothing in particular has inspired me to become a professional musician, but there are many different aspects of performing music that I enjoy and have influenced my decision to pursue music professionally: the music, how it affects people, and the culture from which it was created; the physical act of creating sound; and the communication between the performer and the audience.

If you weren’t a musician what would you be?
I think I would be a computer scientist.