
Born in Luxembourg, Max began his musical training at the city’s conservatoire and later studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. Max was awarded the Glass Seller’s Trophy at the prestigious Gold Medal competition for instrumentalists, for his performance of the Copland clarinet concerto.

Acclaimed as a “sensitive and imaginative performer”, Max excels as both a soloist and orchestral player, making appearances in a multitude of genres including chamber music, contemporary music and jazz.

Max regularly collaborates with composers and has given premieres in concert halls including Wigmore Hall, LSO St Luke’s, Vienna Konzerthaus, Muziekgebouw Amsterdam and the Philharmonie Luxembourg.

Max has performed with orchestras and ensembles including the Philharmonia Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra of Luxembourg, United Instruments of Lucilin, Malta Philharmonic Orchestra and the Chamber Orchestra of Luxembourg.

Alongside a regular recording schedule, Max’s debut solo album New Waves was released in December 2014 and has been described as an “excellent performance…between Debussy and homemade chamber jazz, colourful and spontaneous.” – Remy Franck, Pizzicato Magazine.


What’s on your playlist right now?
Lots of different things. I usually put my iPod on shuffle, which can be quite interesting. Anything from Machaut to Miles Davis via Mahler and Brad Mehldau. At the moment I’m often listening to jazz, fusion or indie bands like Snarky Puppy or Bon Iver.

What is your most embarrassing or amusing musical moment?
Maybe the time I unknowingly picked up my Bb clarinet instead of the A during an opera and started playing the solo a semi-tone out. Didn’t go down so well…

Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us
I used to be into magic, especially close-up sleight-of-hand. I still am, really, but I don’t have the time to practice anymore. It’s a fascinating and beautiful art form.