
Mathilde was born in France, where she studied the flute with Claude Lefebvre at the Conservatoire de Paris, then with Sophie Cherrier and Vincent Lucas at Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris. Graduating in 2012, she then studied at the Royal Academy of Music with William Bennett and Samuel Coles. Mathilde developed her passion for chamber music under the guidance of Paul Meyer and Eric LeSage.

In 2012, Mathilde won the ‘Révélation Classique Adami’ prize. She is also a member of the Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme and is supported by Leverhulme Trust as the solo flute of Aldeburgh World Orchestra. Mathilde is hugely grateful for the support given to her by Renaud Capuçon in receiving the ‘Bourse de la Vocation Prix des Neiges’ in 2011. Mathilde won prizes in many competitions including Best Young Flautist of the International Flute Competition Maxence Larrieu, First prize of Buffet Crampon Competition and was semifinalist of the International Flute Competition of Kracow and finalist of ‘Jeunes Talents de la Musique Classique’ International Competition.

As a soloist Mathilde has performed the Mozart Concerto for Flute and Harp with Geneviève Létang and CNSM Orchestra and the Vivaldi Concerto in A minor at Théâtre Dullin in Chambéry. She regularly gives recitals with the Trio Bel Air or the Duo Galilée (which she co-founded), in many festivals in France. Mathilde has also played with orchestras such as Orchestre de l’Opera de Paris, Orchestre de Bretagne, Orchestre Lamoureux under Philippe Jordan’s baguette, Dmitri Jurowski, Edward Gardner, Thierry Fisher and Mark Elder.

Mathilde is very interested in contemporary music and enjoys performing works by Elliot Carter, Toru Takemitsu and Nicolas Bacri, who has dedicated a piece to her.


Royal Academy of Music
London, UK

Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris
Paris, France

Quickfire Questions

If you were going to be sent to a desert island, which three items would you take with you?
I think I would take my flute (or a piece of wood that I can blow into!) because I noticed that if I don’t play for three days I really need to play, it’s my way of expressing feelings… I would take a pen to write to my family and my friends, because I need to keep in touch with my close friends and parents. If I were alone in this world I think I wouldn’t survive! I think good relationships are very important things in life, that’s what I need to feel happy. And last, I would take a chocolate bar because I am very greedy…!

If you weren’t a musician what would you be?
I would be a comedian. I love the theatre and cinema. I have already acted when I was younger. I have studied a lot of theatre in primary and secondary school, and I absolutely loved that. I felt very free on stage.