
Martha’s musical education began at the Royal College of Music Junior Department and she later attended the specialist music school, Wells Cathedral School. Martha was fortunate enough to win a scholarship to study at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama where she completed both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees with Philippa Davies, Sarah Newbold and Ian Clarke.

During her time at the Guildhall, Martha played under many esteemed conductors such as Valerie Gergiev and Stephen Barlow, and became a finalist in the Needlemakers Wind Competition. With a passion for contemporary music, a highlight of Martha’s time at the Guildhall included a performance of Masks by Oliver Knussen as part of the BBC Total Immersion Series broadcast on BBC Radio 3.

While completing her master’s, Martha formed the Aquillon Ensemble with fellow post-graduate colleagues. The wind quintet strive to perform lesser known works of the quintet repertoire and this, paired with their passion for chamber music, led to the ensemble winning the Three Choirs Chamber Music Festival and gaining a place on the prestigious Tunnell Trust Chamber Course.

Educational work takes a prominent place in Martha’s schedule and she enjoys working for Flutewise, a charity aimed at encouraging young flute players through events and residential courses.

Alongside classical music, Martha enjoys playing folk music with band The Stamp Collective as well as being a keen long-distance runner.


What do you love about classical music?
I love how when I listen to classical music it can completely transport me away from whatever I am doing. I love how I can be sat on the tube listening to a Brahms symphony for the 100th time and still be excited, even though I know exactly what is coming next.

What’s on your playlist right now?
I like a really big variety of music so this is a hard one. I have been listening to Mendelssohn symphonies to relax and also an amazing folk quartet called the Urban Folk Quartet.

Which three people, living or dead, would you most like to have dinner with?
Quentin Tarantino – he makes such amazing films and I would like to meet a man who has an imagination like his.
Edward Gardner – I am inspired by his passion and relentless energy.
Beyoncé – one of the best performers I have seen, I would love to know how she keeps going.