
My trait of being a performer emerged from doing drama since young age. Rather than starting with the piano, my musical journey began with the flute at the age of 6. And now, I am also a piccolo and traverso player.

Growing up playing in wind bands and school orchestras, it is joyful for me to make music with people. Being a professional orchestral player would be no doubt a dream career for me. Yet, I find it crucial to be a versatile musician in the modern world. Since university, I have been joining international flute festivals. Whenever I travel to a new place, I love to immerse myself in different cultures. From winning the British Flute Society Young Artist Competition 2022, to playing Mozart Concerto with the Klangkollektiv Wien; from joining the Penthesilea Academy to Tampere Flute Fest 2023, I am very glad to meet so many amazing artists around the globe. I am truly inspired and empowered by their visions and music. Touring with the Asian Youth Orchestra and working with Chipping Campden Festival Academy Orchestra gave me valuable experiences, I would very much hope to pass on my knowledge to the next generation.

Graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, I moved to London to pursue the Orchestral Artistry Masters and the Artist Diploma at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. I am extremely blessed to have studied with Ivy Chuang, Ian Clarke, Gareth Davies, Philippa Davies, Sarah Newbold, Christopher Green and Lisa Beznosiuk. They have given me unlimited guidance to find my own voice, so that I can express freely and bravely through music.

To me, sound is memory. When certain tunes or harmonies come up, I would see images in my head. I visit the Golden Lane Community Centre and Oatlands and Oatleigh Home Care regularly. It is wonderful to see the participants singing and moving along in these lunchtime performances. Sharing what I have learnt to my hometown is one of my biggest wishes. Here comes the formation of the Ensemble Fioritura, a flexible chamber ensemble based in Hong Kong. We explore rare gems in the repertoire, as well as commissioning new pieces.

Non-musically, I am a coffee enthusiast. When I have time, I love tasting hand drip coffee made by speciality beans. For me, it is the most meditative brewing method with most varied flavours.