
Kalliopi has been playing the violin since the age of seven and became a student at the Pallini Music School in Athens. After achieving a diploma in classical singing from Athens Conservatoire and a diploma in violin from the Greek National Conservatoire, Kalliopi obtained her bachelor’s degree from the University of Athens. Kalliopi then moved to Germany to continue her studies with a master’s at the University of Muenster.

Whilst studying in Germany, Kalliopi completed a six month internship as a first violin with the Gürzenich Orchestra in Cologne and played for two months as a first violin in the Athens State Orchestra.

Kalliopi has performed with several youth orchestras, including the Mediterranean Youth Orchestra, the European Union Youth Orchestra for three consecutive years, the Greek Turkish Youth Orchestra and the Animato Foundation Orchestra.

Aside from classical orchestral performance, Kalliopi has been a member of popular rock bands in Greece, including Episkeptes and His Majesty the King of Spain. Kalliopi has participated in various music projects, working with Cinematic Orchestra, Stargaze Orchestra, Robert Forster, Heiner Scmitz and many more. Kalliopi has played the violin in music for films and theatre, and performed the role of Papagena in The Magic Flute with Opera of Thessaloniki.


Which three people, living or dead, would you most like to have dinner with and why?
Probably Mozart, I would just let him speak and try to observe what is going on in his genius mind.
The band Sigur Ros to thank them for their music that has affected me in very personal moments in my life.
Janis Joplin, to give her a hug.

Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us
I had the opportunity to sing in the project Hyper Opera – a website specific performance; a virtual opera. And, when I was 18, I also used to be a clown for children’s parties!

What is your most embarrassing or amusing musical moment?
Amusing was a performance of Ravel’s Bolero in the Konzerthaus in Berlin with European Union Youth Orchestra. We played the piece without a conductor and we used to stand and dance with each other at the end of the piece. A magical experience each time. On one day, in the middle of the piece, the timpanist who was sitting among the string section fainted. In complete confusion, we didn’t know what to do and eventually we stopped. He was pale and didn’t move at all. The hall was full of people and you couldn’t hear anyone breathe. They took him backstage and after an hour or so he was ok and we performed the piece again. It was so special and emotional for us and the audience, we could feel the warm electricity in the air, it was one of the most intense concerts of my life and full of love.