
Joseph started playing the violin aged six and later became a scholarship student at Wells Cathedral School studying with Catherine Lord who encouraged him to change to viola. Whilst studying at Wells he became the principal violist in the National Youth Chamber Orchestra. He moved on from Wells to study at the Royal Academy of Music in London under the teachings of Garfield Jackson. Whilst here, Joseph was principal violist of the symphony and concert orchestras, working closely with conductors such as Symon Bychkov, Sir Colin Davis and Thierry Fischer. He was also a member of the Royal Academy of Music Soloists, which resulted in a concert with the Scottish Ensemble at the Wigmore Hall, the performance of which was broadcast live on BBC Radio 3. He was also chosen to collaborate with the Fournier trio in a performance of Schumann’s Piano Quartet at Kings Place.

After graduating, Joseph was elected to be the President of the Students Union for the Royal Academy of Music where he worked closely with the staff and students on a variety of projects with many responsibilities. During his time as President he was presented to Her Majesty the Queen to receive a Diamond Jubilee Award on behalf of the Royal Academy of Music.

Joseph enjoys organising concerts, many of which he has arranged at his home village in the South West, raising over £4,000 for his local church for various renovation projects, including the refurbishment of the church’s grand piano. His most recent concert in London was at the Royal Academy with Jack Liebeck and Guy Johnston performing the Brahms Double Concerto with students from the Royal Academy of Music, raising £2,000 for the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust.

Joseph is also a keen chamber musician. He was a semi-finalist in the Royal Overseas League competition two years running with the Tribulus Oboe Quartet. As a founder member of the Toki Quartet they won the Arthur Bliss prize in 2012 and were a guest quartet with the Manning Camerata. Founder of the Gehnyus String Trio they gave masterclasses and concerts in Austria during the Summer of 2012. As a member of the Phoenix Piano Quartet he toured Austria in February 2013.


Royal Academy of Music
London, UK

Quickfire Questions

What is your earliest musical memory?
Making my first violin out of a cornflakes box and a ruler (Aged 5)

If you were going to be sent to a desert island, which three items would you take with you?
A boat, a paddle and sun cream (so I can return safely home to my viola, piano and computer!).

What is your most embarrassing or amusing musical moment?
First ever orchestral concert was with my flies undone… Everyone saw… everyone noticed…. everyone pointed and laughed. Now I know where my stage fright came from.