
I started playing the violin at the age of seven in Odessa, Ukraine, after going to see my cousin’s saxophone recital and dancing to his performance. Coincidentally, his teacher’s wife was a sought-after violin professor that noticed my very rhythmical dance moves and took me into her class. From that moment my life radically changed and became predominantly about the violin. My childhood was filled with regular performances, competitions, chamber music, and laughter.

Aged eleven, I moved to Belfast with my family where I had my first experience playing in an orchestra, which had a huge impact on my development as a violinist. My charismatic and bubbly personality coincided with my love for creating music with others. But it wasn’t until I felt the thrill of performing Mendelssohn’s ‘Violin Concerto’ with an orchestra that I knew I was in trouble. There was no other option for me but to pursue a career in music!

Since moving to London to study at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, I became determined to pursue an orchestral career, and during my second year of undergraduate studies, I got selected for the Professional Experience Scheme with the Ulster Orchestra. Aside from working with renowned conductors such as Rafael Payare and Jac van Steen, I got an opportunity to participate in their Crescendo project; an outreach programme that brings music tuition to primary school children in deprived areas of Northern Ireland. That ignited my fondness for making music more accessible. Later that year I volunteered for the Venus Blazing Music and Theatre Trust where I got the opportunity to work with neurodivergent children. That motivated me to attain a few teaching positions where I am fortunate enough to inspire a future generation of musicians.

Studying Masters at the Royal College of Music has been another milestone. I felt unbelievably inspired being surrounded by incredible performers and having the opportunity to play under Sir Antonio Pappano and Vasily Petrenko’s batons.

I feel very fortunate to have a vibrant freelancing career where I perform different genres of music: from playing with the British metal-core band ‘Bring Me The Horizon’ at the Royal Albert Hall and at the MTV EMA awards at the Wembley Stadium, to freelancing with London Contemporary Orchestra and Ulster Orchestra.
When I am not playing or teaching, I am being a coffee snob with my friends and continuously searching for the best oat flat white in town.


Royal College of Music
London, UK

Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
London, UK


What is your favourite piece of music and why do you love it?

Stravinsky’s ‘The Rite of Spring’. I am in love with the harmonies that go straight to my core as well as his depiction of characters and the drama of his music. It is so much fun to play it in a section!

If you weren’t a musician, what would you be?

If I wasn’t a musician, I would probably be an accountant. I have done A-level Accounting and was good at it. I get a weird sense of satisfaction while working with numbers!