
It was my parents’ idea to register me at the music elementary school in my hometown: “it will be just for general knowledge”, they said. I was six when I started playing the cello, though as a child my dream was to become a pilot. Growing up, however, I realised that music was something that I really enjoyed doing and was an essential part of every day.

The most important moments along my way have been each time I have moved to a different country, in a different conservatoire, with a new professor. I feel very lucky to have studied with Maurizio Gambini in Rome, Richard Lester in London and Anssi Karttunen in Paris.

Over the years, I have performed in different music festivals in Albania, Italy, Germany, France, Netherlands and Spain where I had the chance to play chamber music and concertos and share the stage with some wonderful colleagues.

I have also often participated in masterclasses and courses around Europe with renowned cellists such as Yo-Yo Ma, Gary Hoffman, Giovanni Sollima, Wen Sinn Yang, Jérôme Pernoo, Johannes Goritzki amongst others, as well as chamber music masterclasses with Thomas Gould, Simone Fontanelli, Gryphon Trio and Sacconi Quartet.

I play on an Italian cello made by Ferdinandus Gagliano in Naples in 1771, on loan by the Maggini Foundation.


Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris
Paris, France

Royal College of Music
London, UK

Conservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia
Rome, Italy


SMP Ensemble


What do you think concerts of the future should look like?
I think it is a great idea to collaborate with other artists like dancers, visual artists, and using light effects to create a moody atmosphere.

Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us.
I am very bad at singing, and a few years ago I recorded my singing exam… which is the funniest thing ever.