
Giuseppe began to play the piano and violin at the age of eight, but only approached the double bass eight years later when he began to study at the conservatoire of his hometown, Padua. After graduating in 2013 from the Conservatoire of Vicenza with Gergely Járdányi, he began a Master of Arts at the Vienna Conservatoire as an Erasmus scholarship winner. Here he had the chance to study with Botond Kostyák, Herbert Mayr and Jan-Georg Leser.

In Vienna, Giuseppe was also able to widen his knowledge on early music with the violinists Roberto Sensi, Patxi Montero, Sergio Azzolini and Anne Marie Dragosits.

Giuseppe is interested in Baroque, but also in contemporary music and has very much enjoyed working with composers including Christian Muthspiel, Christoph Ehlenfellner and Wolfgang Sauseng, as well as premiering performances of pieces by young composers.

He has had the opportunity to play in large orchestras including the Austrian National Youth Orchestra and the Veneto Regional Youth Orchestra under Giancarlo Andretta, but most enjoys playing in chamber orchestras and ensembles. In this field, Giuseppe has been a bursary student for two years in a string chamber orchestra with the Società del Quartetto di Vicenza. In 2012-2013, he also played with the Young String Orchestra Project Bottega Tartiniana in Padua, under the supervision of the violinist master Piero Toso.


Which three people, living or dead, would you most like to have dinner with?
Socrates – one of the most influential people in our way of thinking; it would be extremely interesting to have a chat with such a free-thinker on a huge variety of everyday life topics.
Salvador Dalì – I definitely want to meet a person so surreal that they had the idea to become their own living museum, as he actually built his museum around his house. Dalì was an extraordinary character who met the most crazy visual artists of his time.
Giovanni Bottesini – without him, bass playing wouldn’t have developed that much and music history would have been different. I’d love to meet a person who invented such a new way of playing and explored the many possibilities of this wonderful wooden box we call the double bass.

What’s on your playlist right now?
Sigur Ros, Strauss’s Symphonic Poems

Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us.
After finishing school I wasn’t sure about a career in music and I began to study law as well: I wanted to become an international law expert too. Now I have stopped, but I’d like to finish my studies one day.