
I began learning the viola when I was about 13. Previously I had been playing the clarinet, but I was worried that my clarinet playing dreams may be compromised due to a mild growing issue with my jaw (I’m fine now!) So I still wanted to be involved in music but I wanted to play an instrument that didn’t involve my mouth, just in case!

In 2014 I gained a place at the Royal College of Music (RCM) Junior Department which was a massive stepping stone as I had never heard of Junior Departments before and it hugely increased my musical development and musical awareness. Soon after I became a member of the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain from 2016-2018.

One of my absolute favourite things about music is how it can bring people together and create communities and connections, and how it has such a healing and meditative effect on people. For the past couple of years I have been working with Turtle Key Arts, where there are nine-week creative programmes designed for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia. I have had the most incredibly rewarding experiences during these projects and thoroughly enjoy taking workshops and meeting new people.

In my third year at the RCM I embarked on a life changing experience that was an ERASMUS term in the wonderful Malmo Academy of Music in Sweden. Sweden is now my absolute favourite country, and I met so many lovely and incredible people out there that made me re-evaluate what it was to be a musician. The attitude towards classical music was so open minded and supportive and as if there was no competition at all. In this environment I was fully able to express myself and just allow myself to go for whatever I was playing. My teacher in Sweden was also very interested in jazz which brought a very edgy element to the viola!

Apart from playing music and enjoying being in ensembles, I am also the captain of the Women’s Football team at the RCM and also absolutely love acting. I was recently in a comedy play at the 2019 Edinburgh Fringe festival.


Royal College of Music
London, UK

Other Projects

Street Orchestra Live

Quickfire Questions

What is your favourite piece of music and why do you love it?
My favourite piece of music is constantly changing, but at the moment I would have to say Brahms Clarinet Quintet. I played it recently with some friends for a chamber concert and it is such a beautiful piece of music, with all parts almost as equal as each other. Every line has its own challenges and difficulties and also elements of absolute genius and beauty, and the whole piece is incredibly satisfying to play, especially with good friends!

If you weren’t a musician, what would you be?
I would absolutely love to be an actor, specifically an extra in lots of different films and TV shows, or a social worker because I love meeting new people all the time and would love to help out in any way I can!

Georgie is a member of the 2020-2021 fellowship.