
I was born into a musical family and started receiving piano lessons from my mother at the age of four and then cello lessons at the age of six. I first studied with Pamela Moody before going to the Junior Royal Academy of Music to study with Robin Michael. For many years I couldn’t decide which instrument I wanted to pursue, but I think my time with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain was the turning point. I was lucky to be a member for five years from the age of 14, playing a vast amount of repertoire, working with world-class conductors and performing in the best concert halls around the country.

Having the opportunity to play epic works and receive fantastic training from such an early age was why I fell in love with orchestral playing. Another musical highlight whilst still at school was when I performed the Dvořák Cello Concerto at the Wembley Arena after winning the title of Brent Young Musician of the Year 2012. There were thousands of people in the audience and it was a very surreal experience!

I then completed my undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Royal College of Music (RCM), studying the cello with Melissa Phelps and receiving First Class Honours and Distinction respectively. I was fortunate to lead the RCM Symphony Orchestra cello section under conductors such as John Wilson, Vladamir Ashkenazy, Diego Masson and Vladamir Jurowski. In 2017, I gained a place on the BBC Symphony Orchestra Pathway Scheme, which allowed me to attend their rehearsals and eventually play in concerts. I have since been performing with the BBC Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra as an extra musician. I also perform with Sinfonia Cymru which is a chamber orchestra made up of students and recent graduates based in Cardiff.

Earlier this year I was invited to tour the UK with award-winning classical guitarist Miloš Karadalić throughout the 2018-19 season. Contemporary music is another passion of mine and in 2013 I joined Explore Ensemble, a group dedicated to performing new music rarely heard in the UK. We are about to perform at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival for the third year in a row and recently made our debut at Kings Place.


Royal College of Music
London, UK


Explore Ensemble


What’s your most memorable moment as a musician?
Probably my first BBC Prom with the National Youth Orchestra in 2008. I was 14 and I remember walking out onto the stage and feeling like an ant in that stunning auditorium. It was an awesome moment.

What do you do with your time when you’re not playing music?
I’m a passionate cake maker and my whole Instagram is dedicated to my creations. I taught myself by watching YouTube videos and started collecting ridiculous amounts of equipment. I’m really into the decorating process and am a bit of a perfectionist! I love being able to give people something beautiful but also delicious.