
Clara Pérez Sedano, oboist, was born in Murcia (Spain) in 1986. She graduated in 2011 from the Royal Academy of Music where she obtained a master’s degree awarded by a scholarship from the Santander Bank. Her teachers were Celia Nicklin and Jill Crowther. She has participated in Masterclasses with Jonathan Kelly, Emanuel Abbühl, Thomas Indermühle and Jacques Tys.

Clara has played in several youth orchestras and has collaborated with the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra. She has also worked with conductors including Sir Simon Rattle, Sir Colin Davis, Semyon Bychkov, Pablo Heras-Casado, Jesus Lopez Cobos and Leif Segerstam.

In addition to Southbank Sinfonia, Clara’s activities include teaching in various schools and privately, and she is a member of the Sideris Wind Quintet and reserve member of the Foyle Future Firsts Programme. Besides classical music, she loves flamenco, mountain hiking, cooking and has recently discovered skiing.


What’s on your playlist right now?
I have a lot of different stuff at the moment, so I’ll mention three: the album Aurora by Avishai Cohen; Tierra by Vicente Amigo, in my opinion one of the greatest flamenco guitar players of all time; and Mozart’s Oboe Concerto, played by François Leleux.

Which three people, living or dead, would you most like to have dinner with and why?
Jose Luis Sampedro – because he was worthy, a person of principle, an inspiration to everyone and the perfect union of intelligence and common sense.
Beethoven – I would encourage him to finish his oboe concerto.
Jamie Oliver – and he would cook, obviously.