
I started music learning the recorder and piano in junior school, but always wanted to play an orchestral instrument. It wasn’t until I auditioned for Junior Guildhall that the bassoon became a reality. Bob Porter, who was on the panel, became my mentor, teacher and inspiration for the next five years.

I was still studying both the bassoon and recorder right up until sixth form when I had to make a decision of which to focus on. I chose the bassoon mainly due to my amazing teacher Sarah Burnett who introduced me to the orchestral world and showed me the wide range of things I could do on the instrument.

I started at the Royal College of Music where I competed in BBC Young Musician of the Year, making it to Category Finals. I then decided to do an Erasmus term abroad in Cologne. It was a total stab in the dark. I had never met my teacher, been to the city or spoken a word of German before. But I took a leap of faith, and moved there not knowing what to expect. What I found was my musical soul. My teacher (Georg Klütsch) was incredible and the support and talent of the bassoon class and other students around me was like a family. The added challenge of learning a new language was like doing another degree. After a month I decided to transfer and finished my bachelor’s degree in the Köln Hochschule für Musik und Tanz.

After three years in Germany I moved back to London to complete my master’s at the Royal Academy of Music. During this time I gained a trial, a place on the Philharmonia MMSF fellowship and professional experience in orchestras including the Philharmonia, Britten Sinfonia, The Gabrieli Consort and Players, and Bath Philharmonia. Since leaving the Royal Academy of Music I have been put on the extras list with the BBC Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Philharmonia and have worked with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra.


Royal Academy of Music
London, UK

Köln Hochschule für Musik und Tanz
Cologne, Germany


Vineyard Trio


What’s your most memorable moment as a musician?
My first experience playing in a full orchestra was with National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain. We played Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet in the first rehearsal and to this day I have never been so overwhelmed by an orchestra’s power.

Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us.
I’m training for a marathon.