
My musical journey started after my kindergarten teacher told my parents that I have a “good ear” and they should consider signing me up to the music school. They were open to that idea, so after taking up the entry exam, I got a place! I began playing the violin at the age of 7, at the age of 11 started piano lessons, and when I was 16, I undertook additional viola studies. My viola teacher in school was also the professor at the Music Academy in Gdańsk, and she persuaded me to audition for a place there and study viola.
Moving to London permanently was not my initial plan, but now I can’t imagine my life going any other direction! I came here due to the Erasmus exchange during my Bachelor studies in Poland, but
as soon as I came to London, I fell in love with the place so much that I decided to stay and do my masters here too.
I found the city extremely inspiring, with everything that I was aiming for around me: all important auditions were happening here, and a lot of fantastic orchestras giving magnificent concerts. While studying, I had plenty of opportunities to cultivate my skills and abilities as a violist, working with prominent professors and cooperating with famous conductors and members of professional orchestras.

The recent pandemic affected musicians’ lives and made it very difficult to perform. That was the moment when I got busy with teaching. I thoroughly enjoyed doing it, especially seeing my pupils’ progress. However, I am excited that the world is returning to normal and there are so many performing opportunities again.

Alongside my music training, I attended art classes, and now art is a big part of my life – I sacrifice the time outside of music to that mostly. Apart from music and art I am interested in psychology as well as being a big fan of science fiction books. I love swimming too – the one thing I really miss in London after growing up in Gdańsk is an easy access to the sea…


Guildhall School of Music and Drama
London, UK

Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music
Gdańsk, Poland

Feliks Nowowiejski Comprehensive Music School
Gdańsk, Poland


What is your favourite piece of music and why do you love it?

‘Sonata for Viola and Piano’ by Rebecca Clarke – it is such an incredible work, written by such an incredible woman, in times that were not easy for female musicians and composers. Every time I listen to or play the piece, I admire that brave woman and the masterpieces she created.

Where’s your favourite place to listen to music and why?

At the gym on a treadmill! While focusing on interesting music lines, sophisticated harmonies or intriguing rhythmic patterns, my mind can’t think about how tired my body is!