
Originally from Bromley, South East London, I began violin in a small group lesson at primary school, aged five. Aside from music, the other early love of my life was ballet, although it became clear that my attention was more fixed on the class pianist than my (quite exasperated) ballet teacher! I was really lucky to have Bromley Youth Music Trust on my doorstep, who nurtured my musical ability and gave me 13 years of opportunities to perform amazing music with inspiring people; they are the main reason that I am a musician today. Playing with the National Youth Orchestra GB was also an amazing experience, especially my final concert, performing Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet ballet score at the Proms under Vladimir Jurowski.

I studied at the Royal Northern College of Music with Gina McCormack and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (RWCMD) with Lucy Gould. Having spent my student years in Cardiff and Manchester – both amazing cities! – it will be great to spend the year back in London.

In Autumn 2017, I performed in London Musical Arts’ Music-in-Motion series at St Martin-in-the-Fields and Conway Hall, performing Elgar’s Introduction and Allegro and Bach’s Brandenburg No.3 from memory. During my studies I completed Professional Experience Schemes with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Welsh National Opera and Manchester Camerata. Another real highlight for me was performing Handel’s Acis and Galatea on tour in a collaboration with Brecon Baroque, Mid-Wales Opera and RWCMD. Other ensembles I have loved working with include Sinfonia Cymru, British Sinfonietta and NEW Sinfonia.

I love chamber music, having performed with several groups over the years. In 2016 I was lucky enough to perform Harrison Birtwistle’s Piano Trio at Wigmore Hall and to work with the composer; in 2017 my piano trio performed in the RNCM Gold Medal Final for two of the composers, including the winning work by Aled Smith.


Royal Northern College of Music
Manchester, UK

Royal Welsh College of Music
Cardiff, UK


What is your favourite piece of music, and why do you love it?
I have many and they often change but the piece I always come back to is Schoenberg’s Verklärte Nacht; the journey which this 30 minute piece of music can take you on, is astounding. It’s not a piece for background listening, it’s too emotionally intense for that. If you haven’t heard it before then you must get to see it in a concert.

Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us.
Before moving to London for Southbank Sinfonia, I spent four months working as a teaching assistant in an Autism Specialist School. It was a hard job but so incredibly rewarding and I’ll bring with me all the lessons learnt from the amazing children and staff I worked with. I’ll be thinking about them as I spend the year playing and performing. Looking to the future, I’d love to explore how autistic musicians working within the music profession might be better supported and celebrated.